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The Members of the AALA National Executive reflect the cultural and thought diversity of the AALA Membership. The National Executive leadership model is collaborative and our leadership is inspired by a grass-roots, Member-led approach.

Acknowledging the rich and complex history of Australia and the role of Asian migration, the National Executive seeks to celebrate the Asian Australian intersection, Australia's engagement with Asia, and the role of migration generally in shaping today's Australia. In celebrating today's Australia, the National Executive also acknowledges First Nations Peoples and the histories and communities that thrived on this land before settlement. Our National Executive Members value the role of Elders in leading the next generation and are inspired by their own cultures to continue to respect the roles of Elders and community leaders in guiding the growth and development of emerging generations.

In 2021, the National Executive proudly announced the Hon Diana Bryant AO QC as our National Patron and the Rt Hon Lord Justice Rabinder Singh as our International Patron. The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG continues as Emeritus Patron.

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The National Executive includes the National President Molina Asthana, National Vice-President Catherine Chiang, National Secretary Jake Huang and the National Treasurer Ivonne Muryadi, and also includes the President and Secretary of each Branch. Further, the National Executive holds five seats for Executive Committee Members. These five seats are open to all Members of AALA and their role is to assist with the daily leadership and administrative responsibilities of the National Executive.

The National Executive is elected for a one year term at each Annual General Meeting, usually held in late November. The National Executive meets every second month and these meetings are open to all Committee Members of each Branch to attend as observers. For more information in relation to AGMs and National Executive Meetings, please read our Constitution.

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The National Executive is structured into various Portfolio Subcommittees.

Each Subcommittee is convened by at least one member of the National Executive and operates to advance our Members' experience. To participate in a National Subcommittee, you must be a Member of AALA. For more information, email:

1. Branch Formation Portfolio Subcommittee

The Branch Formation Portfolio Subcommittee works closely with external stakeholders to establish and nurture new Branches and work with existing Branches to strengthen Member and community engagement. The Subcommittee is convened by the National President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

2. Marketing and Social Media Portfolio Subcommittee

The Marketing and Social Media Portfolio Subcommittee is responsible for the 2022-2023 AALA brand refresh and works with the National Executive and each Branch to promote AALA in a consistent, clear and engaging manner. The Subcommittee Convenor is Lola Chang who work closely with Committee Members to maintain the website and provide digital and design training to ensure each Branch can operate creatively and independently.

3. Membership (Recruitment and Retention) Portfolio Subcommittee

The Membership (Recruitment and Retention) Portfolio Subcommittee endeavours to learn about our Members by conducting regular analysis and surveys. By better understanding our Members, including demographics and interests, AALA can better serve our Membership. The Subcommittee Convenor is the National Treasurer.

4. Mentoring Program Portfolio Subcommittee

The Mentoring Program Portfolio Subcommittee is a project-specific Subcommittee, and works to host the annual National Mentoring Program. The Subcommittee Co-Convenors are Alyssandria Lim and Tony Wu.

For more on the National Mentoring Program, visit our National Programs page.

5. National Digital Events Series Portfolio Subcommittee

The National Digital Events Series Portfolio Subcommittee is a project-specific Subcommittee, and works to facilitate the National Digital Events Series. The Subcommittee Co-Convenors are Johnny Nguyen and Sharlene Kuruppuarachchi.

For more on the National Digital Events Series, visit our Events page.

6. National Summit Portfolio Subcommittee

The National Summit Portfolio Subcommittee is a project-specific Subcommittee and works to host the annual National Cultural Diversity Summit. The Subcommittee Co-Convenors are the National President and Vice-President.

For more on the National Summit, visit our National Programs page.

7. Partnerships and Sponsorship Portfolio Subcommittee

The Partnerships and Sponsorship Portfolio Subcommittee is dedicated to improving the relationships AALA holds with the wider legal profession and community. The Subcommittee is responsible for reviewing and updating the AALA Partnerships and Sponsorships Prospectus and works closely with each Branch to maintain and grow the AALA network. The Subcommittee Co-Convenors are Kelvin Ng and Dominique Yap.

For more information, visit our Partners and Sponsors page.

8. Secretariat and Governance Subcommittee

The Secretariat and Governance Subcommittee is responsible for the formation of the AALA policies and procedures and the maintenance and enhancement of AALA's corporate governance. The Subcommittee works closely with each Branch to ensure that AALA remains a legitimate, progressive and transparent national association. The Subcommittee Convenor is the National Secretary.

9. Steering, Advocacy, Policy and News Media Portfolio Subcommittee

The Steering, Advocacy, Policy and News Media Portfolio (SPAN) Subcommittee was established to ensure that AALA remains at the forefront of advocacy, collaborating with organisations and launching projects that directly aim to contribute to the AALA Founding Objectives. The SPAN Committee Co-Convenors are the National President and Vice-President.

10. Student Engagement Portfolio Subcommittee

The Student Engagement Portfolio Subcommittee was especially established to focus on students. AALA recognises the role it plays to nurture young leaders and advocates and continues to work with universities and student bodies to strengthen the discourse promoting cultural diversity and intersectionality. The Subcommittee Convenor is William Zhou.

11. William Ah Ket Scholarship Subcommittee

The William Ah Ket Scholarship Subcommittee is a project-specific Subcommittee, and works to host the annual William Ah Ket Scholarship competition and event. The Subcommittee Co-Convenors are Jenny Si and William Lye OAM QC.

For more information, visit our National Programs page.

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The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) offers our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the true and traditional owners and custodians of the lands we gather on to live, work and learn.


AALA acknowledges the past and continuing trauma caused by mistreatment and displacement. AALA celebrates and shares in the respect for elders, land and community and continues to advocate for intersectional diversity and the empowerment of all first nations peoples worldwide.

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