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Image by Shapelined

NSW Branch Committee Member


Lee-May is a barrister practising at Frederick Jordan Chambers in family law and environment and planning law. A specialist area across Lee-May’s practice at the Bar is cultural diversity issues and unconscious cultural bias. Lee-May’s maternal grandfather Tan Eng Puan migrated from China to Malaysia where he taught himself English and Malay and established a building and construction company known for its expertise in hydraulic engineering and the construction of reservoirs. She maintains an interest in this area of planning and environment law. She has served on the NSW Bar Association Diversity and Equality Committee, is a Past President of the Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW, Past Vice President of Australian Women Lawyers, and is an Honourary Member of multicultural women’s business leadership group Pink Elite.

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The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) offers our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the true and traditional owners and custodians of the lands we gather on to live, work and learn.


AALA acknowledges the past and continuing trauma caused by mistreatment and displacement. AALA celebrates and shares in the respect for elders, land and community and continues to advocate for intersectional diversity and the empowerment of all first nations peoples worldwide.

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