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Image by Shapelined

Ex-Officio, Immediate Past President


Molina is the Principal of Swarup Asthana Lawyers, practicing in commercial law. She was a Principal Solicitor with the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office (VGSO) for over 10 years and had been primarily working on Major Projects for the State of Victoria. She has broad-based commercial and litigation experience and localised expertise in mergers and acquisitions. Her previous experience includes working in Mergers & Acquisitions at Minter Ellison and in Banking & Finance at Clayton Utz. Prior to this, Molina practiced law in India for seven years.

Molina sits on the board of the Law institute of Victoria and was the first South Asian woman to be elected President Elect of the Law Institute of Victoria. Molina also serves on various other boards including AMES Australia, Graduate House of the University of Melbourne, Good Shepherd ANZ, Gymnastics Victoria, AFL South East Commission, Table Tennis Victoria and Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health. She is also the co-founder of the Asian Australian Alliance and the founder of the organisation Multicultural Women in Sport. Molina is also a member of the Sport Australia Sport Volunteer Coalition and a member of the Football Federation of Victoria Tribunal.

Molina speaks regularly at public forums and is interviewed/featured frequently in the media in relation to her work in both law and sport as well as in Diversity and inclusion and anti-racism. She has received multiple awards for her work including the Victorian Multicultural Award for Excellence twice.

Molina has been consulted on the drafting of the privacy laws in India and has been acknowledged as an expert in the report accompanying the draft Indian Financial Consumer Protection Code, for her assistance in the drafting of the legislation. Molina has been working on creating a link between the Indian and Australian legal communities. She has accompanied Trade Missions to India and has made submissions to DFAT on legal services in the Australia India FTA at their behest and she speaks at various forums both in India and Australia on various aspects of the Australia India relationship.

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